A reggae tour that combines three of the great Jamaican artists with outstanding European artists, from the musical scenes in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, Holland, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Malta and Switzerland, which are the countries that the tour will visit.
Junior Kelly *Wailing Souls * Daniel Bambaata Marley
backed by Fireman Crew hosting & aftershow: LampaDread
Guest Artists
Randy Valentine * Sud Sound System * Sisyphos * High Gade Sound * Ziggy Recado * Mo’Kalamity * Raphael * Green Valley * Yaniss Odua * Sr. Wilson * Iiriephatie * Rapha Pico * Sirene Factory * Natty Jean (Danakil) * Volodia * Naaman * Leah Rosier * Black Star Sound * MC JahForth * Back-A-Wall Movement * United Sounds * Bomb Bass Hifi
all infos, dates & places
Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival
13-20 Agosto 2016 Benicàssim - España
Un tour reggae che combina 3 dei grandi artisti jamaicani con eccezionali artisti europei, dalle scene musicali di Germania, Austria, Belgio, Spagna, Francia, Olanda, Italia, Polonia, Repubblica Ceca, Malta e Svizzera che sono i paesi che ospiterranno il tuor.
line up
Junior Kelly * Wailing Souls * Daniel Bambaata Marley
accompagnati dalla Fireman Crew in apertura e chiusura concerti : Lampadread
Randy Valentine * Sud Sound System * Sisyphos * High Gade Sound * Ziggy Recado * Mo’Kalamity * Raphael * Green Valley * Yaniss Odua * Sr. Wilson * Iiriephatie * Rapha Pico * Sirene Factory * Natty Jean (Danakil) * Volodia * Naaman * Leah Rosier * Black Star Sound * MC JahForth * Back-A-Wall Movement * United Sounds * Bomb Bass Hifi
per info date e location
Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival
13-20 Agosto 2016 Benicàssim - España