Summer concerts for Earth Beat Movement.
The band from Florence is getting ready for a long long summer, many concerts are scheduled not only in Italy but also in Slovenia, Swiss, Austria, Earth Beat Movement will perform live the 70 BPM Tour, the new album just released last January that has gathered success both from audience and critic. The tour has already touched many Italian cities like Milano, Florence, but also Germany, where the band played with Jahcoustix. A solid partnership between the Florentine band and the German singer, You Heal Your Heart, included in the album 70 BPM, is the outcome of this collaboration and in addiction to this the possibility for EBM to be the backing band in some summer dates for Jahcoustix. The coming up event is in Austria to Bleimaika Reggae Fest and then many concerts throughout Italy, from Belluno to Marotta (Pesaro-Urbino), Lake Side Festival of Lugano (Swiss) and Overjam International Reggae Festival Tolmin (Slovenia) where they will share the stage with artists such as Marcia Griffiths, Tarrus Riley, Kabaka Pyramid and The Congos. Meanwhile, the band is already in the studio recording a new single that will be shortly released , don't forget that the 70 BPM album is available online on all digital stores.
The band from Florence is getting ready for a long long summer, many concerts are scheduled not only in Italy but also in Slovenia, Swiss, Austria, Earth Beat Movement will perform live the 70 BPM Tour, the new album just released last January that has gathered success both from audience and critic. The tour has already touched many Italian cities like Milano, Florence, but also Germany, where the band played with Jahcoustix. A solid partnership between the Florentine band and the German singer, You Heal Your Heart, included in the album 70 BPM, is the outcome of this collaboration and in addiction to this the possibility for EBM to be the backing band in some summer dates for Jahcoustix. The coming up event is in Austria to Bleimaika Reggae Fest and then many concerts throughout Italy, from Belluno to Marotta (Pesaro-Urbino), Lake Side Festival of Lugano (Swiss) and Overjam International Reggae Festival Tolmin (Slovenia) where they will share the stage with artists such as Marcia Griffiths, Tarrus Riley, Kabaka Pyramid and The Congos. Meanwhile, the band is already in the studio recording a new single that will be shortly released , don't forget that the 70 BPM album is available online on all digital stores.
Tutte le date estive degli Earth Beat Movement.
La reggae band fiorentina, si prepara per un’estate ricca di concerti durante la quale il “70 BPM Tour” sbarcherà in molti eventi e festival di tutta Italia ma anche in Slovenia, Svizzera e Austria, per continuare con la presentazione dal vivo dell’omonimo disco pubblicato lo scorso gennaio che sta riscuotendo un grande successo di pubblico e critica.
Il tour ha già fatto tappa in varie città italiane tra cui Milano e Firenze ma anche in Germania, dove la band ha suonato insieme a Jahcoustix. Una collaborazione solida quella tra la band fiorentina e il cantante tedesco, dalla quale è nato il brano Heal Your Heart, incluso nell'album 70 BPM, e che ora porta gli EBM a fare da backing band per alcune delle date di Jahcoustix quest’estate.
Il prossimo appuntamento è ora in Austria al Bleimaika Reggae Fest e a seguire saranno molti i concerti in tutta Italia, da Belluno a Marotta (Pesaro-Urbino), senza dimenticare il Lake Side Festival di Lugano (Svizzera) e l’Overjam International Reggae Festival di Tolmin (Slovenia) dove condivideranno il palco con artisti del calibro di Marcia Griffiths, Tarrus Riley, Kabaka Pyramid e The Congos fra gli altri.
Nel frattempo, la band è già in studio per registrare un nuovo singolo che uscirà prossimamente, mentre l’album 70 BPM è disponibile online su tutte le piattaforme digitali.